Case studies

Our Pass Benefits Young People and Local Businesses Across Greater Manchester

A travel and discount scheme for 16-18-year-olds in Greater Manchester is benefitting businesses across the region.

Kick The Stigma Uses Football to Help People on Probation

A Growth Company programme that matches people on probation with EFL and Premier League football clubs has had a positive impact on many participants’ mental and physical health.

Adeel’s Journey: Putting Lived Experience at the Heart of the Refugee Employability Programme

To mark International Migrants Day, we spoke to Adeel, a Refugee Employability Programme (REP) employment advisor who draws on his own lived experience to help participants across Yorkshire and the Humber.

Aspire Recruitment Helps Bruntwood Find and Train the Right Candidates – Like Ian

Aspire Recruitment has worked with Unify by Bruntwood since December 2022 to help them find and train the right candidates for facilities management roles. 13 people enrolled on a bespoke course, of which 10, including Ian, went on to secure permanent contracts with Unify.

How Supported Employment is Helping Salford Residents and Employers Fulfil their Potential

Commissioned by Salford City Council and delivered by GC, the Salford Supported Employment Service aims to make it easier for people in the borough with learning disabilities or autism to find a job by connecting them with inclusive, supportive employers such as Jigsaw Facilities Ltd.

Winning Ways: How the Personal Wellbeing Service helped Stephen into Work

Winning Ways is an 8-week course designed to educate and inspire people on probation to make positive, sustainable changes to their lives. Find out how the course helped Stephen, a former chef, expand his skillset and find a job.

How the CFO Activity Hubs Gave ST a 'Fresh Start' Following a Flat Fire

ST was referred to the Hub in 2022 after a fire damaged his flat. Having been forced into temporary accommodation and struggling with his mental health, ST was encouraged to seek support.

GC Employment: Empowering People to Make a Difference

The Growth Company (GC) is a leading provider of employment services across a range of economic sectors and geographical regions. Learn about the positive impact we have on the lives of individuals and community cohesion. 

MC's Mental Health is "the Best it's Been for a Long Time" Thanks to the CFO Activity Hub

MC was referred to the CFO Activity Hub at the start of the year for support around his alcohol consumption. He was also struggling with his mental health and self-confidence, making him anxious about attending the Hub.

How the CFO Activity Hubs Helped CK Break their Negative Cycle

CK was referred to the Hub back in 2023. In the beginning, he struggled to attend any sessions due to ongoing mental health issues. Find out how we helped CK overcome these challenges.

Jane’s Story: “I Love Being Back at Work”

Jane lost her job due to having cancer. Through our Employment Legal Advice service, we helped her get legal advice - which resulted in a successful outcome. With support from our Working Well (Work & Health) programme, we also helped Jane secure a new job.

How the CFO Activity Hub Used Participant's Culinary Talents to Build Social Connections and Create Opportunities

JI was referred in November because his probation practitioner wanted him to receive employment and training support and get involved in activities to develop his social skills. Find out how the Hubs used JI's love of cooking to achieve these goals.