Once you’ve recruited candidates into employment, we’re keen to support you both in retaining that talent and the development of your wider workforce. We’ve delivered learning programmes to individuals and businesses for over 30 years. As an Ofsted, Grade 2: Good Provider, you can be assured of our quality standards and approach.

In order to support your skills and employee development ambitions we will:

• Execute a collaborative, face-to-face training needs analysis that will be carried out free of charge by one of our experts to understand your training and skills needs of your business

• Provide your business with ongoing skills development to maintain that competitive edge, from short entry level courses to longer, higher-level programmes, including apprenticeships

Adult courses

We have access to a wide range of adult courses to help your team learn new skills or brush up on their current skill-set to enhance your business productivity.


Apprenticeships are the ideal option if you are looking to develop your current workforce at all levels, or you are looking for fresh talent to enter your industry.

In-work training

We have a wide variety of short, in-work training courses to help your team brush up on their current skills and learn new ones. This ensures your business is always up-to-date and even ahead of the competition.