The Mayor of St Helens Borough, Councillor Sue Murphy, visits Restart Scheme offices

  • Monday, August 15, 2022

Early in July our St Helens office, delivering the Restart Scheme, were delighted to welcome the Mayor of St Helens Borough to their premises to meet the team and see first hand the valuable work they do.

The Mayor of St Helens Borough, Councillor Sue Murphy, was given a warm welcome by the team and an overview of the Restart Scheme was provided, generating discussion about the valuable contribution it makes for the people and communities within the Borough. It showcased how individuals were up-skilling, gaining relevant qualifications and moving into sustainable employment, which has a positive effect on individuals and the local economy. The team also highlighted how robust use of local labour market information supports local businesses by analysing growing sector areas and providing targeted support, enabling individuals to up-skill / re-skill to move into the local employment opportunities, allowing their businesses to build and grow.

Speaking of the visit, Christy Ryder, Operations Manager for the Restart Scheme, said:

“It was a great privilege to welcome The Mayor of St Helens Borough, Councillor Sue Murphy. We are extremely proud of the work we do here in St Helens and welcome the opportunity to share the impact of our programmes.”

After the presentation, The Mayor met with 2 of our Restart Scheme participants to speak about their stories and how the scheme has helped them break down any employment barriers that were holding them back from getting support or finding employment, along with any challenges they’re currently facing that they could be supported with.

The Mayor of St Helens Borough, Councillor Sue Murphy, said:

"I enjoyed visiting the site and seeing the work that they are doing.  It was good to meet participants of the Restart Scheme and see the positive impact it had on them and how it had helped improve their employment prospects."

We deliver the Restart Scheme across the North of England on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions, and in the North-West on behalf of G4S. It is a Government Scheme providing up to 12 months of enhanced support to help you find a job in your local area.