Helping Greater Manchester Employers Support their Disabled Employees

  • Wednesday, April 24, 2024
GCE WWISPC New Social CS News (3)
  • The Growth Company (GC) delivers Working Well: Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care (WWIPSPC) across Greater Manchester.
  • The programme aims to help adults with physical and/or mental health disabilities into – or back into – sustained employment.
  • Find out how it can help employers support employees with complex needs – like Nigel. 

Disabled employees, employees with long term health or enduring mental health conditions can often find it difficult to sustain their work. This could result in them having a negative experience in the workplace.

The Working Well: Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care (WWIPSPC) programme provides tailored support focused on helping employees return to work or preventing existing staff going on long term sickness leave.

Our service supports people through their barriers to work, utilising a personalised Employment Specialist from our skilled team to assist employers and staff to find a more productive compromise that works for all parties.

WWIPSPC in action

Nigel was referred to WWIPSPC due to his struggles with anxiety in the workplace. He had recently been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and this had been affecting his wellbeing – his poor routine often led to him being late for work and this, in turn, led to conflict with his manager.

In the first month of the programme, Nigel’s employment specialist reached out to his employer and set up a meeting to discuss what support could be provided. They also talked about how to create a solid routine and practical steps to help Nigel reduce his anxiety.

After this meeting, Nigel downloaded an app designed to help people with ASD devise realistic routines. He also worked with his employment specialist to identify specific times for personal care, downtime, and sleep.

Nigel had also been experiencing headaches due to light sensitivity and had started wearing sunglasses to work. This wasn’t appropriate due to his customer facing role and after looking at alternatives with his employer, it was agreed that tinted glasses would be a better option. The IPSPC team worked with Nigel to find a pair of glasses and purchased them for him – this had an immediate positive impact on Nigel’s day-to-day experience in the workplace.

Two months into the WWIPSPC programme, Nigel is sleeping better, enjoying work, and his glasses mean he is no longer getting headaches. His outlook on work is much more positive and this is having a knock-on effect in his personal life too. Nigel’s employer is much happier with his performance – another positive change thanks to the right support at the right time.

Find Out More

To find out how the WWIPSPC programme can support your employees, visit the programme's website

The Growth Company

The Growth Company helps companies in a range of sectors find candidates that suit their needs and maximise their potential. We offer employment, justice, and health services across Greater Manchester, the Liverpool City Region, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Yorkshire and Humber.

Get in touch today to find out more.

Working Well: Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care (IPSPC) is commissioned by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and funded by UK Government. The programme is delivered across Greater Manchester by The Growth Company in partnership with Groundwork and will support up to 1,500 individuals between September 2023 and March 2025.