Winning Ways Proves Good Fit for Bryn

  • Thursday, November 3, 2022
Winning Ways Bryn Social Card
  • Winning Ways is an 8-week course designed to educate and inspire people on probation to make positive, sustainable changes to their lives.
  • The Growth Company (GC) delivers the course alongside Sheffield Wednesday FC Community Programme as part of its Personal Wellbeing Service.
  • Find out how Winning Ways helped Bryn  

Bryn was referred to The Growth Company’s wellbeing services by his probation officer earlier this year, as he was finding life exceedingly difficult following his conviction and needed some support to regain his confidence to access mental health support in his community. Bryn had isolated himself as he believed he could no longer go out and socialise in the community and felt he might need to discuss his conviction with his friends or other people he encountered – this is something he did not want to do so he avoided mixing with people as much as possible.

Since being referred to the GC wellbeing services, Bryn has accessed support for his mental health – thus having a positive impact on his life. He agreed to attend The Growth Company wellbeing sessions in South Yorkshire, hosted at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club (SWFC), where he learnt more about managing his mental health, having healthy relationships, getting fitter, advice on dieting, and the importance of taking part in physical activity.

Bryn said this about the support he’s received so far:

“I don’t know where I would be without it (Winning Ways), I am really happy and glad you guys are around.”

Bryn also told his advisor that he has found the support helpful, and it was good that there was more than one keyworker around supporting the group sessions he participated in. He commented on the appreciation he has towards all the keyworkers that have offered him support in coping with stress, how to feel comfortable in social situations, advice on benefits, and possible activities he could access. Bryn has this to say about one of the SWFC group sessions based around relationships:

“There were things that I didn’t know about how my family situation had been and the workshop was helpful.”

He complemented the knowledge the keyworkers have on the different services, and how this has opened many doors for him. After attending some of the SWFC wellbeing sessions, Bryn joined their Monday night men’s club with a friend he made at the football club. Him and his friend now play football on a Tuesday and have both signed up for the Flourish music sessions at the club. Bryn was also referred to the CFO Activity Hub in Sheffield to access their men’s mental health support and art sessions.

Speaking on his future, Bryn stated that he feels nervous and often wonders about the unknown future, but he’s now excited for what it has to offer:

“I don’t know what my future will be… but I can see it is getting better.”

“Winning Ways” is an 8-week course designed to educate and inspire people on probation to change. The course aims to provide people with the skills and knowledge to take steps towards living a healthier and more fulfilled life and ultimately reduce the chances of re-offending. The Growth Company will deliver weekly educational interventions focusing on enhancing emotional wellbeing and SWFCCP will be facilitating weekly physical activity such as football, circuit training and gym sessions.

Get In Touch

The Growth Company is an award-winning social enterprise with a mission to generate growth, create jobs, and improve lives. We provide employment services across Greater Manchester, the Liverpool City Region, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Yorkshire and Humber.

Get in touch today to find out more.