Winning Ways Helps John Get His Confidence Back

  • Thursday, July 14, 2022
John PWB Services Social Card (1)
  • Winning Ways is an 8-week course designed to educate and inspire people on probation to make positive, sustainable changes to their lives.
  • The Growth Company (GC) delivers the course alongside Club Doncaster Foundation as part of its Personal Wellbeing Service.
  • Find out how Winning Ways helped John

When referred to the GC Personal Wellbeing service, John lived in basic accommodation supplied by the Home Office. He did not have friends in the community and had no money to visit his 12-year-old son. This often left John feeling isolated and vulnerable.

Since his referral to the service, John has taken part in a pilot partnership with Club Doncaster Foundation – Winning Ways. These are group sessions split into 1 hour of wellbeing education, and 1 hour of physical activity.

John has grown in confidence week by week and really values the group, he said:

“Since I have started the group, I have been able to get my confidence back and I have been able to meet new people. It also helps me to gradually fight my depression and anxiety.”

John now independently attends and has access to 3 weekly Football sessions provided by Club Doncaster Foundation and specifically for refugees and asylum seekers, he also has been issued a 1-motnh free gym membership to access the gym there as part of attending the course.

The support from the Personal Wellbeing service has enabled John to add structure to his week, access weekly physical activity, connect to his community and to meet new people – greatly improving his mental health and personal wellbeing.

Trudi Race, group facilitator, said:

“This is exactly the outcome we were hoping for, supporting our service users to access community provision, build positive relationships and in turn help create a more meaningful and brighter future.”

“Winning ways” is an 8-week course designed to educate and inspire people on probation to change. The pilot aims to provide people with the skills and knowledge to take steps towards living a healthier and more fulfilled life and ultimately reduce the chances of re-offending. The Growth Company will deliver weekly educational interventions focussing on enhancing emotional wellbeing and Club Doncaster Foundation will be facilitating weekly physical activity such as Football, circuit training, Archery and Table Tennis.

Get In Touch

The Growth Company is an award-winning social enterprise with a mission to generate growth, create jobs, and improve lives. We provide employment services across Greater Manchester, the Liverpool City Region, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Yorkshire and Humber.

Get in touch today to find out more.