Dylan Wilson's Success Story

  • Thursday, March 19, 2020
  • Posted By The Growth Company
Dylan Wilson Case Study Pic

Dylan Wilson, 23, from Trafford, had previously worked business administration before falling into a period of unemployment which lasted for three years. Dylan’s lack of confidence and motivation became his main barriers to work, and as a result was referred to Skills Support for Employment from the Department of Work & Health.

When Dylan joined the programmes he was allocated a learning mentor  and advisor who identified his strengths and some of the challenges which were preventing Dylan from gaining employment. After working with his learning mentor and advisor for a few weeks, Dylan then began to take part in a few training sessions where he explored interview skills, how to work in different job sectors, and the benefits of upskilling and qualifications. He was also given a work experience opportunity in retail.  

As Dylan grew in confidence, he was also encouraged to improve his English skills and only two months after joining  Skills Support for Employment, Dylan managed to secure employment as a Customer Service Assistant at B&M Bargains. He has impressed his employers since he started, and Dylan commented; “I’m really thankful for all the help and support while I was on Skills Support for Employment.”