Aspire Recruitment Helps Bruntwood Find and Train the Right Candidates – Like Ian

  • Thursday, November 30, 2023
Aspire Bruntwood Case Study
  • Aspire Recruitment has worked with Unify by Bruntwood since December 2022 to help them find and train the right candidates for facilities management roles.
  • Aspire, Bruntwood, and GC Education designed a bespoke skills course focused on available positions at Unify.
  • 13 people enrolled, of which 10, including Ian, went on to secure permanent contracts with Unify.

Over the past year, Aspire Recruitment has helped Unify by Bruntwood to hire 10 uniquely qualified candidates.

Aspire is a Growth Company service designed to help businesses attract and retain best-in-class talent from a diverse range of backgrounds – creating a productive workforce and opportunities for all. They began working with Unify by Bruntwood, a Manchester-based facilities management firm with a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility, in December 2022, after they reported difficulties attracting and retaining cleaners. 

Pre-Recruitment Training

Aspire recommended a two-track solution. First, they suggested utilising the Restart Scheme, which supports local unemployed residents back into work. Second, they proposed a partnership with GC Skills and Education, which runs a specialist course designed to equip participants with the skills and confidence required to return to the workplace. In this case, the course on offer was a Level 1 City & Guilds qualification entitled ‘Introduction to Facilities’.

Bruntwood agreed to this approach, liaising with the GC Education and Skills team to design a bespoke version of the course focused on available positions at Unify. Aspire found 13 people to enrol on the course, which commenced in May 2023. All 13 students graduated and began working for Unify on temporary contracts.

Sustained Employment: Ian’s Story

For the first 12 weeks, Aspire paid the staff weekly and delivered support to breakdown any barriers to employment. This included issuing free bus passes and signposting candidates to expert advice on housing, finances, and Universal Credit.

In August, 10 candidates were offered permanent contracts with Unify. All of them accepted and started their new roles the following month. Ian was one of them. According to his Restart Scheme advisor, Ian attended his first Restart meeting in June 2022, where he revealed painful health conditions that had been a significant barrier to finding and staying in work. His advisor explained:

“In the last year or so, Ian has committed himself to the Restart Scheme, getting to a point where he no longer required fit notes. He has proved to be a very positive person with a great attitude towards work. He was successful at securing a temporary cleaning job at Unify by Bruntwood through Aspire. His work was so fantastic that he was offered a permanent contract. Well done, Ian!”

Get In Touch

The Growth Company is an award-winning social enterprise with a mission to generate growth, create jobs, and improve lives. We provide employment services across Greater Manchester, the Liverpool City Region, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Yorkshire and Humber.

Get in touch today to find out more.